Publication Fee

Article Processing Charge

  1. Islamic Research is an open access journal. As an open-access journal with no subscription charges, a fee is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. This ensures your article will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone.
  2. The open-access Article Processing Charge (APC) for the accepted manuscript is 300.000 IDR applied to the Indonesian Corresponding Author or $25 per accepted article applied to the International Corresponding Author. There is no APC for the manuscript submission.

Manuscript Preparation Services

  1. Pre-submission services, such as language editing and translation services, can help ensure your manuscript is written and formatted to a high standard in preparation to submit it to your journal of choice. Manuscript Translation Service is 250 IDR / word excluding the Reference. 
  2. Please note that the use of editing and translation services does not guarantee your manuscript will be peer reviewed or accepted for publication. All services are purchased at the author's discretion and will have no guaranteed impact on any editorial or publishing decisions made by our journals.